Batch Size: 5.5 Gallons Wort Size: 5.5 Gallons
Preboil Wort Size: 6.47 Gallons
Grain: .5 Lbs Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt
Extract: 6 lbs Muntons DME - Extra Light
Hops: 1 oz Cascade Pellet Hops
Yeast: Danstar Nottingham Dry Yeast (We upgraded the recipe to 2 packs of yeast)
- We did this one inside. Decided not to use the new burner and avoid the cold.
- Added 4 Gallons of Festival Drinking Water to the 33 quart pot and begain the boil.
- 150 degree steep of the grains for 30 minutes.
- After steep, brought to a boil and added extract. Killed the boil temp with the extract, but brought it up relatively quickly again.
- On a suggestion, left a wooden spoon in the wort during the boil to control the break. The break was not nearly so difficult. We kept our squirt bottles handy and kept stirring, and managed our temperature better (turned down heat as we needed). We had no boil-over.
- We boiled 3 additional gallons of water after the break in a second pot and added the boiling water to the wort at 5 minutes to go. Probably a bad idea, but have to keep trying to make things easier ;)
- Dragged the boil outside to cool with the immersion chiller. Cooled to 75 degrees in around 10 minutes and brought it back in to transfer to the primary fermenter.
- Let it cool to 72 degrees before pitching the yeast.
- Initial Gravity: 1.048
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